Thursday, August 15, 2013

Introducing Nirvana, our latest release!

Hello everyone!

I am so excited to release our new collection, Nirvana! I am so excited about this line because I really got to pour in all the things I love! This line was designed so that you can use if for just about any occasion, but with fall arriving soon, I really wanted to design a line that you can use for thanksgiving and family. There's a sheet of paper in here for every type of family member, Dads, Sisters, baby, that weird family friend that just shows up at dinner time lol! 

The typography stamps are my favorite, the Typo set comes with 4 different alphabets, and the Flying High set has all of the decorative line breaks and embellishments perfect for making your own faux chalkboard word art! I really hope you like the line, and please make sure to check with your local or favorite retailer to see if they have placed their orders! 

Thank you, please subscribe!


Typo 4x6 Stamp Set

Flying High 4x6 Stamp Set

12x12 Paper Collection


  1. Holy smokes...these are genius! Love, Love, Love them!

  2. WOW - DROOOOOL is everywhere on my computer keyboard! LOVE LOVE LOVE

  3. Yeah, I love this too ! I love the stamps for sure...its like a mixture of all the things I love.

  4. This is really gorgeous Marion! Love the vintage feel and LOVE that hot air ballon stamp set!

  5. Love the colors and the designs, definitely a gorgeous collection!

  6. oh my gosh this is absolutely gorgeous- love every inch of those papers and the stamps look awesome to play with xxx

  7. Marion, I just LOVE your style!!!! I love the patterned side of PrintworthY!!!!!!

  8. Love this collection! So much potential for so many themes and I really love the color scheme.

  9. Wow I absolutely love this range..!!

  10. Omg!! Absolutely divine!! Your collections are definitely tdf!

  11. I'm loving it all Marion .. I just want to play !!!

  12. This is wonderful! Please keep us posted as to whether it will be possible to preorder the entire line. Absolutely love it!!!

    1. Cher you can find the complete line here, and you get early shipping if you do a blog post and mentions a retailer that is carrying it! :)

    2. Just placed my order! I'm thrilled to be able to order the entire collection, it's absolutely beautiful! I love to create mini albums and never have enough of one collection! My blog- I'd be happy to post the details about your collection with the ordering info.

  13. This is a beautiful collection!

  14. This speaks to me in my language. I can hardly wait to find it. I can think of so many things I want to do with this. Your work is always so lovely. Thank you for sharing your amazing talents...

    1. Let me know what store is near you and I will make sure we send them a catalog. xoxo

  15. Gorgeous, great olours and aged look!

  16. I'm so excited about your lines. I love them and am still working at finding things on your website. Will your designs be sold "printed" vs. down loading and printing on your own? I see you mention Ana. I am traveling from IL to CA to take her class in Jan. at CHA.

    1. These are not digital, these are physical products available at retail stores. Keep an eye out or ask your favorite store to carry them! :)

  17. This is an awesome collection and I am so so so so so so DID I say SO (bwahahahahaha) glad that they are not digital =D

    thanks for sharing

